Hello my friends from the Hive community. In this new opportunity we will make some fun binoculars for the smallest of the house with materials that we can get in our home. Without more to say we begin.

Materiales necesarios
- Tubos de cartón
- Témperas
- Pincel
- Tijera
- Foami
- Perforadora
- Silicona liquita
- Cordon
- 2 pedacitos de madera o plastico.
Pasos a Seguir:
2- Cortamos dos tiras de foami
3- pegamos las tiras de foami en las extremidades de ambos tubos de cartón
4 -Unimos los dos tubos con las piezas de madera que ya hemos cortado
5 -Perforados ambos lados con la perforadora
6 - Cortamos dos estrellas de foami y pasamos a decorar los binoculares
7- Pasamos el cordón por los agujeros y amarramos por el lado interno
Necessary materials
- Cardboard tubes
- Tempera
- Brush
- Scissor
- Foami
- Drill
- Liquid silicone
- Cord
- 2 pieces of wood or
Steps to follow:
2- We cut two strips of foam
3- we glue the foami strips on the ends of both cardboard
4 -We join the two tubes with the pieces of wood that we have already cut
5- Drilled both sides with the hole punch
6 - Cut two stars out of foam and go on to decorate the
7 -We pass the cord through the holes and tie on the inner side
Listo ya tenemos unos divertidos binoculares para que los más pequeños lo disfruten
Ready now we have some fun binoculars for the little ones to enjoy

Espero les allá gustado mis amigos, será hasta una nueva oportunidad...
I hope you liked it there my friends, it will be up to a new opportunity ...