Saludos amigos de esta gran Comunidad
Greetings friends of this great Community
Hoy quiero compartir una rica carne que es complemento del plato típico de mi País, y esta es la carne mechada, esta carne se caracteriza por ser mechada y formar trozos muy delgados como si fuera un hilo. Es muy rendidora ya que al mechar se consigue obtener más carne, que unido al guiso se hace más abundante. El tipo de carne que se usa para realizar este tipo de comida, siempre ha sido la carne de segunda.
Tenía tiempo sin realizar este tipo de carne y hoy quise realizarla. Aquí compartiré como la realice y sus ingredientes.
Today I want to share a rich meat that is a complement to the typical dish of my country, and this is shredded meat, this meat is characterized by being shredded and forming very thin pieces as if it were a thread. It is very yielding since when rocking it is possible to obtain more meat, which together with the stew becomes more abundant. The type of meat that is used to make this type of food has always been second-rate meat.
I had not made this type of meat for a long time and today I wanted to make it. Here I will share how the realization and its ingredients.
½ Kilo de carne para mechar
Pasta tornillo
½ Kilo of meat to loaf
Chili pepper
Screw paste
- Como tenía la carne congelada, procedí a colocar en una olla con suficiente agua, para sancochar la carne.
As I had the meat frozen, I proceeded to place it in a pot with enough water to parboil the meat.
- Después de estar blandita, bajo de la cocción y dejo que se enfrié
After being soft, I lower the cooking and let it cool
- Luego corte en trozos y procedí a triturar la carne, para que se me hiciera más fácil el mechar
Then I cut into pieces and proceeded to shred the meat, so that it would be easier to grill
- Ya aquí la carne totalmente mechada y se le quita cualquier trozo de grasa que tenga la carne.
Already here the meat is completely shredded and any piece of fat that the meat has is removed.
- Ahora coloque la carne con un poco de agua donde se había sancochado la carne.
Now place the meat with a little water where the meat had been parboiled.
- Después tome el tomate, cebolla, ají, cebollín; y lo corte en trozos para realizar la salsa.
Then take the tomato, onion, chili pepper, chives; and cut it into pieces to make the sauce.
- Licue y así obtuve la salsa
Blend and that's how I got the sauce
- Incorpore la salsa a la carne y uní todo, agregando además sal.
Add the sauce to the meat and combine everything, also adding salt.
- Después agregue aceite onotado y deje cocinar hasta que secara un poco el caldo.
Then add oat oil and cook until the broth dries a bit.
- Para acompañar esta comida realice pasta tornillo, que sancoche con sal y baje al estar blandita
To accompany this meal, make screw pasta, which is parboiled with salt and lowers when it is soft
- Luego tome unas guayabas para realizar el jugo que acompañaría esta rica comida.
Then have some guavas to make the juice that would accompany this delicious meal.
- Después de tener todo listo coloque en plato, tanto la pasta como la carne mechada, además agregue queso blanco.
After having everything ready, place both the pasta and the shredded meat on a plate, also add white cheese.

Me despido y nos vemos en un próximo post
Fotografías tomadas desde mi teléfono RedmiGo
Gracias por Leerme
I say goodbye and see you in a next post
Photographs taken from my RedmiGo phone
Thanks for reading me

Yummy and thank you for awakening my appetite
Thanks to you for walking through my publication
Hello @lisbethseijas, After the read and see your recipe, it's very different dish to my country. I honestly believe Hive is a perfect place for explore various cultures, dishes etc... Venezuela have various and own popular dishes. I really like today's dish what you prepared. Thanks for the publication. I hope to see many recipes sooner.
Hello friend @madushanka, if in my country there is a great variety of foods and this is very tasty. I apologize for not answering in time. It happens to me that I read the messages on the phone and then I forget. I'm really not used to being a non-responder. Excuse me. and greetings
Total apoyo :)Saludos, @lisbethseijas! Muy bueno, además un proceso bien detallado.
Gracias amigo @nachomolina2