Hello dear friends of hive! I am very excited to teach you the step by step of how to make an origami dolphin.
una hoja 15 por 15
colores o temperas
a 15 by 15 sheet
colors or temperas
First we are going to mark the two diagonals of our sheet

We grab the ends and tuck them inside, forming the fins of the dolphin. And mark the two triangles up and down.

Now we turn the sheet over and bring one of the points to the center, we bring it up again leaving a centimeter, unfold and bring the two points down, coinciding with the line that we marked previously. Then we bring the triangle up and the tip down.

Now we fold in half, one of the triangles on the sides we fold down and do the same with the other triangle but this time up.

Now we unfold and make a cut with the scissors, we fold again and bring one end up and the other down.

Final score