Hello, good morning, adored community, happy and blessed day to all, unfortunately I have been a bit far away due to the inconvenience with my phone and I express my apologies, but today I am here again to show you a little about this beautiful little bee that comes to reintegrate to the hive, it is made of cardboard, it is very fun and easy to do, just go with me and we will make it
-cartulina amarilla , blanca y roja
-pegamento blanco
-lapiz y marcador
-yellow, white and red cardboard
-White glue
-pencil and marker
Pasos a realizar/Steps to take:
- Paso 1:comenzaremos realizando una figura circular y otra figura semicircular y alargada ,estas seran la cabeza y el cuerpo de la abeja
- Step 1: we will start making a circular figure and another semicircular and elongated figure, these will be the head and body of the bee
- Paso 2: recortaremos las figuras realizadas anteriormente y las pegaremos , tu decidiras el largo del cuerpo de tu abejita ,a mi me gusto asi(ver fotos)
- Step 2: we will cut out the figures made previously and we will glue them, you will decide the length of the body of your little bee, I liked it that way (see photos)
- Paso 3:luego tomaremos la cartulina o la hoja blanca y la doblermos a la mitad dos veces(ver foto), y cortaremos un corazon(por doblar la hoja a la mitad nos salen dos corazones del mismo tamaño y de un solo corte)
- Step 3: then we will take the cardboard or the white sheet and fold it in half twice (see photo), and we will cut a heart (by folding the sheet in half we get two hearts of the same size and of a single cut)
- Paso 4:Ahora tomamos los corazones y lo pegamos uno a cada lado del cuerpo de la abeja , esto formaran las alas
- Step 4: Now we take the hearts and stick one on each side of the body of the bee, this will form the wings
- Paso 5:Despues con el marcador agregaremos lineas horizontales en el cuerpo a la abejita
- Step 5: Then with the marker we will add horizontal lines on the body of the bee
- Paso 6:Cortaremos dos tiritas de papel y la pintaremos de marcador negro(porque no tenia cartulina negra jaja) y se las pegaremos encima de la cabeja de la abeja y estas seran las antenitas, tambien cortaremos dos corazones pequeños Y los pegaremos a la cara y formaran los ojos
- Step 6: We will cut two strips of paper and we will paint it with black marker (because it did not have black cardboard haha) and we will stick them on top of the head of the bee and these will be the antennas, we will also cut two small hearts and we will glue them to the face and eyes
- Paso 7: Y por ultimo le dibujamos la boca y esta abejita esta lista para reintegrarse a la colmena
- Step 7: And finally we draw the mouth and this bee is ready to rejoin the hive
Texto traducido por : Google Traductor/ Tex translated by: Google Translate.
Linda abejita @miguelys20 felicidades
Gracias @loyferm