Hello good night dear beehive, I hope you are all well, successes and blessings for all. I had several days without publishing since I am having problems with my phone, but here I am again inventing them to make this post.
Hoy les traigo este lindo pollito hecho con muy pocos materiales y facil de realizar a continuacion les dire como realizarlo
Today I bring you this cute chick made with very few materials and easy to make, then I will tell you how to do it
Materiales para la elaboracion:
-plato desechable
-lapiz y marcador
-cartulina de colores
-pega blanca
Materials for the elaboration:
-disposable plate
-pencil and marker
-colour cardboard
-white glue
Comenzaremos dibujando en la cartulina las partes de nuestro pollito, para las patas haremos dos corazones,para el pico un triangulo, los ojos dos circulos ,las alas haremos dos figuras ovaladas como la silueta de un balon de futbol americano, y la crestica en forma de olas de mar de diferentes tamaños
We will begin by drawing on the cardboard the parts of our chick, for the legs we will make two hearts, for the beak a triangle, the eyes two circles, the wings we will make two oval figures like the silhouette of an American football ball, and the figure in the shape of sea waves of different sizes
Luego recortaremos todas la piezas con mucho cuidado
Then we will cut out all the pieces very carefully
Ahora lo mas divertido pegar las partes, en el centeo del plato pegaremos los ojos, en el borde inferior las patas (corazones), y a cada lado las alas
Now the funniest thing is to glue the parts, in the center of the plate we will glue the eyes, on the lower edge the legs (hearts), and on each side the wings
Ya casi terminamos , pegaremos el pico(triangulo), y la cresta
We are almost done, we will glue the peak (triangle), and the crest
Y para terminam agregaremos detalles al hermoso pollito como son los ojos que le haremos un punto negro en el centro, las alas y sombrearemos con poquito rosa las mejillas
And finally we will add details to the beautiful chick such as the eyes that we will make a black point in the center, the wings and we will shade the cheeks with a little pink
Y asi quedo este hermoso pollito, espero y les haya gustado mucho, gracias por leerme , nos vemos en un proximo post.
And so this beautiful chick remains, I hope and you liked it a lot, thanks for reading me, see you in a next post.
Texto traducido por: https://www.deepl.com/translator
Text translated by: https://www.deepl.com/translator