Fíjate como yo hice el regalo perfecto para mí mamá con el logo de hive blog, plataforma que trae siempre buenas noticias para toda la familia.
Hello creative minds Hive Blog! Mother's Day is a very special date, where you commemorate those wonderful beings that fill your life with joy, and what better gift than something made by your own hands, there are many beautiful crafts with fabric that you can make for that great moment and the easiest thing is that with a unicolor fabric bag that you have lying around unused, you can reuse it and the only thing you have to do is to give it a special touch simply using tempera and a paintbrush.
See how I made the perfect gift for my mom with the logo of hive blog, a platform that always brings good news for the whole family.
Si tu madre es amante de los bolsos, esta es una muy buena idea porque puedes usar un bolso de tela para pintar.
📌Bolso de tela preferiblemente unicolor.
📌Pintura de colores, yo usé tempera.
If your mom is a bag lover, this is a very good idea because you can use a different type of fabric bag to paint.
📌Cloth bag preferably unicolor.
📌Colored paint, I used tempera.
Todas tenemos por ahí un bolso de tela que ya no usamos así que sencillamente podemos reutilizarlo, perfecto si es unicolor el mío es rojo. Yo lo planché y luego le dibuje el logo de Hive Blog, después procedí a pintarlo con tempera blanca y le escribí Hive Mom combinando los colores negro y blanco.
We all have around a fabric bag that we no longer use so we can simply reuse it, perfect if it is unicolor mine is red. I ironed it and then I drew the Hive Blog logo on it, then I proceeded to paint it with white tempera and I wrote Hive Mom combining the colors black and white.
¡Verdad que me quedó genial! inténtalo y veras lo feliz que estará mama de este obsequio.
It really looked great! Try it and you will see how happy mom will be with this gift.
By @machiqui63
¡Disfruta tu día y gracias por visitarme!
Enjoy your day and thanks for visiting me!
- La galería de fotos es de mi autoría. Las tomé con mi móvil Xiaomi Redmi6
- The photo gallery is of my authorship. I took them with my mobile Xiaomi Redmi6