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Welcome to my blog.
Today I will share with you a creative project of making earrings with a plastic pot. We know that a very special date is approaching for mothers and they always receive many gifts on this day. This idea that I bring you today is super economical and very simple to carry out. Since with plastic pots which in this case is a resistant plastic; make these beautiful rhombus-shaped tendrils.
I always keep any materials that I can use for my crafts that I share every day with you. Here I will explain step by step how to do it.
Pedazo de plástico resistente
Esmalte de uña , negro y turquesa
Marcador negro
Lima de uña
Anzuelo de zarcillo
Sturdy piece of plastic
Nail polish, black and turquoise
Black marker
nail file
Soldering iron
Tendril hook
Paso a paso
Step by Step
- Lo primero que realice fue trazar un patrón de los rombos en un papel, los mismos tienen las siguientes medidas: el grande tiene 2cm por cada lado y el pequeño 1cm.
The first thing I did was to draw a pattern of the rhombuses on a piece of paper, they have the following measurements: the large one has 2cm on each side and the small 1cm.
- Después tome el plástico y con ayuda del marcador negro transferí la forma al plástico
Then take the plastic and with the help of the black marker I transferred the shape to the plastic
- Luego recorte cada pieza con la tijera. Si te cuesta cortar con tijera puedes utilizar un exacto.
Then cut out each piece with the scissors. If you find it difficult to cut with scissors, you can use an exact one.
- Debemos realizar dos rombos grandes y dos pequeños. Debemos limpiar la parte del marcador.
We must make two large diamonds and two small ones. We must clean the marker part
- Con una lima de uña debemos limar los bordes para que queden totalmente lisos
With a nail file we must file the edges so that they are completely smooth
- Ahora tomo la pintura negra y comienzo a pintar los rombos grandes
Now I take the black paint and start to paint the big rhombuses
- Quedando así
Being that way
- Ahora pinto los rombos pequeños pero de color turquesa
Now I paint the small but turquoise rhombuses
- Ya aquí están las dos piezas pintadas
Here are the two pieces painted
- Con el cautín procedo a realizar un hueco para introducir la argolla que unirá ambos rombos.
With the soldering iron I proceed to make a hole to insert the ring that will join both diamonds.
- Aquí unimos ambos rombos y sellamos la argolla con ayuda de la tenaza
Here we join both diamonds and seal the ring with the help of the pliers
- Después colocamos el anzuelo en cada uno de los zarcillos
Then we place the hook in each of the tendrils
- De esta manera sencilla, puedes realizar zarcillos a tu gusto. A mí me encanto el resultado.
In this simple way, you can make earrings to your liking. I loved the result.
![separador web nuevo.png](
Espero les guste
Fotografías tomadas desde mi teléfono RedmiGo
Gracias por Leerme
I hope you like it
Photographs taken from my RedmiGo phone
Thanks for reading me