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RE: Screwed and Bolted

in Build-It3 years ago

A break would be nice indeed

Certified Ikea installers? Lol, a job that requires patience and gritted teeth ... imagine not being ABLE to construct a flat pack? I mean, obviously some might be physically challenged or Uber time poor...

Same in Australia. Buy local? Expensive. So what choice is there? And now it's all shoddy workmanship. Tricky tacky houses being built with no care for quality. Actually, they are calling them til Tok builds as people are sharing how bad they are on Tik Tok.

Even here we are seeing supply chain issues. Amazed at how we took that for granted.


I am not sure how certified they are, but they do engage a company for it here. Though, I think it isn't just the building, it is also the hanging and stuff - and old people or, single people with no friends :)

Quality has fallen off a cliff in some places - what happened to pride in one's work?