Hello dear community, today I bring you a new idea with recycled material, I hope you like it as much as I do, stay to see the step by step.

- Carton.
- Silicon.
- Cinta.
- Tijera.
- Lapiz.
- Granos
- Cardboard.
- Silicon.
- Tape.
- Scissors.
- Tapestry.
- Grains

Paso 1: Marcamos en el cartón con un vaso o lo que tengan a la mano, y recortamos varios círculos de como queremos nuestro collar.
Step 1: We mark on the cardboard with a glass or whatever you have at hand, and cut out several circles of how we want our necklace.

Paso 2: Ahora comenzamos a pegar todos nuestros círculos y con una cinta la pegamos.
Step 2: Now we start gluing all our circles and with a ribbon we glue it.

Paso 3: Por ultimo pegamos todo los granos al rededor de los círculos para así darle un toque lindo.
Step 3: Finally we glue all the beads around the circles to give it a nice touch.

This was the final result, I hope you like it and see you in an upcoming blog.

Todas las fotos son de mi autoría, tomadas por mi telefono samsung A10.
All photos are my own, taken by my samsung A10 phone.