Welcome to a new blog, my beautiful people of hive, tonight I bring you a great idea and easy to make with recycled materials, a Hawaiian bracelet to look beautiful and cute for any outing, I was watching tik tok and saw that they passed and decided to make them for all of you and I know you will like them as much as me.

- Retazos de foami.
- Hilo nailon.
- Tijera.
- Aguja.
- Foami scraps.
- Nylon thread.
- Scissors.
- Needle.
Comenzamos a cortar en formas de triángulos los retazos de foami y seguido con la aguja y el hilo nailon vamos a ir colocando uno por uno, teniendo en cuenta la medida de su mano.
We begin to cut the pieces of foami into triangles and then with the needle and nylon thread we will place them one by one, taking into account the size of your hand.

This was the final result, with few materials and easy to make, very flirty, you can even make them for your daughters, friends or family also serves to take it to a party as for the crazy hour, this was all, happy night.

Todas las fotos son de mi autoría, tomadas por mi telefono samsung A10.
All photos are my own, taken by my samsung A10 phone.