giving the appearance they like nature but making sure it is all dead and doesn't need someone to take care of it
That's kind of lame, if businesses were actually as serious about creating jobs as they shrilly screech that they are, maintaining plants coulc create a hell of a lot of jobs, but we all know that isn't the case.
what would I know, I'm a sculpture
Sculptor maybe? I guess your wife probably thinks you have all the fine chiselled lines of a sculpture ;D
I like privacy as I make my mistakes
On the one hand fair, on the other hand when I was editing my streaming recordings (or just straight up recordings back when I did recordings x_x) I left all the mistakes in mostly because I'd seen more beginner artists despairing because for some reason they thought anyone further up along the path than they were somehow made no mistakes ever so I wanted to dispel that particular myth XD
Can absolutely understand wanting to escape construction work noise however, not the best environment for some types of arty shenanigans!
Good thing you were in a warehouse, that flower arranging base gets EVERYWHERE x_x and that mezzanene floor looks a bit hazardous XD
The plant feature wall turned out great, wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they dragged you back to do more in the rest of the building :)

This is an issue I am dealing with, For myself, it is great that I have the work at the moment but the company I work fors bread and butter is the maintenance of plants. This kind of work is nice and all but it does not lead to repeat business. Luckily the client also wanted some other living plants. So all was not lost
At one time I was like a Michael Anglo but now more like a Rubens
Being a public sculptor has toughened me up but with this first time making this sort of work I was happy with the relative privacy of the warehouse to figure out what I was doing.
!ENGAGE20Sorry again @ryivhnn for my long delay in replying. There just are not enough hours in my week.
Seriously doon't stress about delays in replying. Message histories are a click away so it's not like I'll have too much trouble recalling the conversation, you took what time you could to reply and that's plenty good enough :)
Totally relate to not enough hours in the week x_x