Checking fender fitment on the passenger side before doing any welding

in Build-It9 months ago

I learnt from my mistake on the drivers side so I hung the door and the fender before welding stuff together, to ensure the fender would fir properly. Of course it did not.

I had quite a fight with the door as it was quite crooked and I had to get pretty heavy handed with it to get relatively consistent gaps all round. The door still needs to move further backwards but I was looking for consistency over perfect placement.

To check the fitment of the piece I am making I tack it in place the try and fit the fender, initially the fender stood proud of the door quite a bit and I could see by looking in the wheel well, that I needed to lower the profile of my piece. This process was repeated over and over with me first hammering the edges down, then eventually trimming the bottom of the part, so that the fender would fit near flush.

With that part done I could move to a simpler bend that will almost complete the part, just a bit more fitment and I will be able to start welding soon.

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