More bending and welding to make a piece to close up the sill

in Build-It9 months ago

Work started on making up the part to close up the front of the sill, starting on the most 'flat' piece.

I was initially going to cut only the flat part with a bit extra to bend tabs where it would be welded to the body, then weld another piece to that, but that would mean the transition is very sharp and not at all like the original part.

Ultimately I cut some MDF to the shape, with another smaller copy to clamp the metal with. Due to the radius I added a smaller copy of masonite to the MDF in the hope that it would give me a gentle curve.

Things did not go exactly to plan but I did end up with something that is close enough, though not yet finished.

This was tacked on and I will be bending and fitting the remaining parts of the puzzle in situ on the car, tacking as they are done, so that I can paint the inside before finally welding it all in place.

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Great work