Open up the left hand side of the scuttle, a rusty surprise!

in Build-Itlast month

Spurred on by the feeling of accomplishment of finishing up the left hand side door frame I moved to the right hand side, starting with the scuttle.

From the outset I could tell there would be more rust, taking away the paint and really thick filler exposed a number of holes.

I hoped for the best and cut out as small a section as I thought I could get away with, thinking I could patch the hole by the wiper without cutting that out too.
Boy was I wrong, The rust this side was so much more widespread that I ended up cutting an additional section out.

Despite looking terrible, the metal around the wiper was actually fairly solid. I removed the very rusty layer by drilling and grinding away the spot welds and cutting up to what seemed to be reasonably firm metal.

As I knew this was going to get closed up soon I gave it a liberal coating of provonite at the end of the day.

#cortina #rustrepair #fordcortina #cortinabakkie #fordp100 #restoration #cortinaldv





