A couple years ago I drove by a house that was throwing away an old tv that sat on the floor. I had seen posts on the internet of turning these tvs into pet beds or shelves so I decided to go back with my wife and load it into my truck and take it home.
I hope that people will save some of these TVs.
Since they are old (vintage/antique) (and probanly rare), they could worth a lot of money.
Especially if they are in working condition.
After I got it home I worked on it for several days and had to rip the insides out, but being careful not to shock myself in the process.
Have tested the TV before ripping out? If yes, then was it in working condition? If yes, then a collector probably would have paid a lot of money for it.
I am not a collector, and I currently do not know any collectors. I am just curious.
I did not test it because I knew what I wanted to do with it. Also it was sitting on the side of the road in the weather for awhile, and I didn’t know if water had gotten into it.