Hello, good night, dear hive, successes and blessings for everyone, this time I bring you a very fun game that will keep you entertained in these times of pandemic, this game is called DOMINO, and today I will show you how to do it with recycled materials
- carton
- pinturas
- pincel
- tijeras
- regla
- cardboard
- paintings
- Brush
- pair of scissors
- rule
Pasos a seguir/steps to follow:
Primero comenzaremos a marcar y cortar tiras de carton , yo tome de referencia el ancho de mi regla y corte varias tiras largas
First we will begin to mark and cut cardboard strips, I took the width of my ruler as a reference and cut several long strips
Luego medi con mis dedos el largo de las fichas,cada 3 dedos cortaba el carton y asi realize mis fichas
Then I measured with my fingers the length of the chips, every 3 fingers I cut the cardboard and so I made my chips
Una vez listas mis fichas las pinte todas de blanco y en el centro de estas una francesita negra , asi comenzo a recobrar vida mi domino
Once my cards were ready, I painted them all white and in the center of these a little black French, that's how my domino began to come back to life.
Y ahora de esta manera rápida , facíl, economíca y práctica realizamos un creativo juego de domino
now in this fast, easy, economical and practical way we make a creative domino game
Gracias por visitar y leer mi post , hasta luego/Thanks for visiting and reading my post, see you later
Texto traducido por : Google Traductor/text translated by: Google Translate
Gracias por compartir tu post. Saludos