Hello to all insect lovers, it has been a long time since I published anything related to the wonderful world of insects, which is one of my favorite topics in photography.

On this occasion I will share some photographs that I took of some dragonflies. Whenever I want to take photographs of dragonflies, I go to a small lake that is in my city park.

In summer it is always full of dragonflies flitting around in search of other small insects to feed on, no matter what time of day you go, you will always have the opportunity to see them and be able to take some good photographs.
Normally in this area, the most common species of this incredible insect are the Four spotted chaser and the Red Arrow Dragonfly, you can see both in the images, they are practically identical although they have some small details in which they differ, for example one of They are on their wings, one species has black spots on their wings and the other does not.
Gracias por tomar en cuenta mi trabajo.
Hola @nicanor-mosquera
Es bueno ver otro de tus posts en tu comunidad. Estas fotos están preciosas, realmente es un gusto ver un insecto tan bello y delicado, lástima que en donde vivo no son muy frecuentes.
Las libelulas son unos insectos increibles, la mayoria de gente no sabe que son carniboras y se alimentan de otros insectos, al igual que la mantis religiosa, que es otro de mis insectos favoritos. Gracias por comentar @sirenahippie.
in this photo all the wings are transparent.