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RE: Being in a Fake World

in Nerday3 years ago

I actually don't care for VR although I like technology. (does that make sense?) Fantasy is fine, but, living in a perceived real world that isn't? It messes with my brain. :(

Poor kids of today won't be able to sort reality from their real life. Yikes.


I totally get you on that, 💯%. I could not have said that better.

Still, I'm always fascinated by others who dig this kind of thing.

I guess I am one who feels and is guided by intuition mainly, so I find real things more appealing than fantasies.😁😅

I am fascinated by the technology aspect of it, but, kids already don't live in a real-world, they are too busy living it online. They already don't speak to people, they text them. I have noticed they don't even party the way they used to. (Okay, that may not be a bad thing)

I took the kids to our summer house on the Canadian border all summer when they were growing up, we had 80 acres and no television and we just let 'em go! It was the best. I can see they balance online and real life now and I know that I am lucky and it doesn't always happen that way.

I guess what it boils down to is this: I am afraid that the youth of today will be missing out on some of the essential steps to growing up, getting cheated out of childhood, and making their way in an adult world before their time. Or perhaps that is just me, lagging in the technology department.

I find real life waaaay more appealing. I agree.

I fully agree that we had the best of both worlds and balance.
I grew up free to play outdoors in nature, which helped me to develop a creative mind.

Kids these days get depressed so easily and find it easier to depend on medication to make them feel better about the world. It is frightening and makes you wonder what it will be like in the next twenty years in the work environment...what will people's coping mechanisms be, when facing adulthood.

I am always intrigued when you speak of growing up on vast acres of land. That I would find as a real simple perk of life.🙏😁