GG | Rocket League

in Nerday4 years ago

Witam na moim kanale. Nazywam się Emsonic!
Rocket League to gra sieciowa, która wymaga dużo praktyki. Spróbuję być w tym mistrzem. Zapraszam do oglądania!

Dobra gra, ale niestety nie wygrana. Następnym razem będzie lepiej!

Welcome to my channel. My name is Emsonic!
Rocket League is an online game that requires a lot of practice. I'll try to be a champion at this. I invite you to watch!

Good game, but unfortunately not won. It will be better next time!

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Hive Blog -


This game I have seen it seems funny my nephew Jesus spent hours playing!

 4 years ago  

This game is awesome. I will be master of that game someday :D