MICHAEL Saylor has become a BTC legend in the past year
Besides his move to completely transform his company MicroStrategy into a BTC hedge fund, he is not afraid to buy when many start to get worried.
Just today BTC saw a new correction dropping to under 22K.
Of coarse, this did not waver Michael in any way and he saw it as a HUGE buying opportunity!
The key to any great investor is the ability to have the strongest of hands, and once you believe in your asset to buy all the dips along the way!
Or in the case of any asset you love, is all the juicy buying chances you see on these drops.
We must do the same here! #nerdayhodlcrew
While I do believe we might see some further action down below 20K even, Michael is not willing to take this risk.
Merry Christmas... This looks like a good time to do crypto Christmas shopping.
Most certainly! Happy Holidays! :)
But seriously, as a long-term investment it seems like a done deal
Done and sealed!
Michael Saylor seems to be the Novogratz of this bull market.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
He completely is!
I think to invest too
If he has bought this a month ago, it would have been less expensive. Now the cost of purchasing it is higher at this current price.
True! It's hard to always predict the bottom, the good thing is the momentum is back.
This year is like never fall down again year for Bitcoin😁🚀🙏
This guy has officially entered man crush territory!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta