Phalacrognathus muelleri
9 x 12 inches, watercolor, gouache, Pigma brush, Posca, and Pigma pens.
Inktober prompt (armor)
When the sun strikes the rainbow beetle's body, you can see shades of blues, greens, and reds with a metallic shine. The tusk-like objects are called mandibles, and both sexes have black legs. The female's mandibles are smaller than the males. This color combination makes for a somewhere over the rainbow beetle!
Males measure up to 2.8 inches (70mm), and females are still large, measuring up to 1.8 inches (46mm). Even though this beetle is beautiful, I would still freak out if it landed on me. I live in Oklahoma, and our beetles don't grow as huge because of environmental factors (it gets cold here in the winter).
The Rainbow Beetle lives in Australia and eats rotten wood and treats itself to fruit, tree sap, and nectar. Australia's rainforests and bushland are the beetle's favorite hangout.
The odd fact people like to keep and breed these giant beetles for pets. I have friends on Instagram that have this hobby that has turned into a small business. The beetle can fly, scary thought! I can imagine one landing on my head.

I love this dung beetle for taking role of ecosystem in Korea but rare.
Gymnopleurus mopsus
The Egyptians held the dung beetle (Scarabaeus sacer) as sacred. You gotta move that poop around in the environment for a healthy ecosystem. The beetle transforms poop into life just like the sun wakes up the seeds of life ;-)
I enjoy so much your work😍
Thank you @denissemata
You are welcome ❤️❤️❤️
haha yeah they can fly, but they are really passive and let you brush them away or pick them up. They feel really oily though, which is kind of weird. Well, the Japanese stag beetles anyway.
Here in Japan, boys love catching them. Well, the ones here aren't rainbow, they are jet black. Anyway boys of all ages love to catch them and keep them at home, much to their mother's chagrin. Some try to make them fight, but I don't think that ever goes over too well. It's popular enough, however, that there was an anime made about it ("battle beetles", or some such; my son liked watching it). Most stores try to catch and sell them, and they sell them for really high prices. More enterprising young men try to breed them.
I like all the colors you used here.
I liked to collect snakes (My Grandma was not happy about that lolol) and polliwogs when I was a kid. I would probably collect giant beetles if I grew up with them too. The Australian Rainbow Stag beetle is beautiful. I am going to look up "battle beetles" anime now. My favorite anime is Mishimishi
Such a lovely colourful creature of nature, it alwalys remind us that colour is making our way of life and view, lovely sketch art work.
The beetles remind me of colorful beads, like nature's necklace. Thank you @abontikazaman
This rainbow beetle is amazing and describe a little more information, painted very beautifully, its very complicated to do colour mix with other but you have done it very nicely.
The colors are my favorite part. I like mixing primary colors like red, blue, and yellow to find the right secondary colors.
Waw What beautiful beetle. Rainbow style beetle I was see first time. Realy marvelous
I may have found a hobby for you, @akash66. You can raise pet Rainbow Beetles! Nature is the best artist of us all!
Very colorful! There can be found such beautiful hues in God's nature. Thanks.