"...No matter what's changed, this is still our home turf."
Cowabunga! This is my interpretation and tribute to the "The Last Ronin";
the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic from the original artists Kevin Eastman and David Laird! It's the far future...only one turtle remains.
Can you guess who it is?
- Year: 2021
- Medium: Pencil / Digital
- Dimensions: 16800 x 16800 pixels
- Size: 22,40mb
- Created by: zeroe
- Owned by: zeroe


Stage I
Sketch and Setup

Stage II
Basic Colors and Lineart

Stage III
Refined Colors and Detailing
Staging Break:

Stage IV
Texturing, Lighting and Shading
Stage V

Stage VI
From Light to Dark
Knee over Toes!
Artbees for their feedback!I wanted to thank @ryivhnn , @adamada , @huzzah , @TheRealKimona , @TomVonBoom and the
From now on I'll be turning all my online content into **NFTs** / print it to a blockchain in order to claim agency of my work and data. Why? Like this, you can determine the attribution of the file, trace intellectual property and track interactions with the data. The file becomes tradeable. It can also be used to prevent theft and most importantly: verify ownership.If you'd like to learn more about this or need help turning your own work into NFTs. I am happy to help!
Gonna make our own internet....with Turtles and Pizza.
I also encourage you to come by our Artbees Discord. There is a pretty sweet community re-emerging around #artbees with talent worth supporting methinks.
back to the drawing board,

Mirrored from Styx : https://www.nyx-labs.com/exhibit-the-last-ronin/