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RE: The Authoritarian Personality: Ch1A pt2

in Arcane Bookslast year (edited)

"...the more profound the earlier in the life history of the individual they are brought to bear. The major influences upon personality development arise in the course of child training as carried forward in a setting of family life."

As a parent I can factually refute this. Personality is not malleable in circumstances. It is the character of a person that then reacts to the environment producing allocations of weight to the attributes of the person, not changing the attributes of the person. My sons are who they are, and my provision of guidance did not effect their persons, only produced moderation of their application of their personal attributes to their environment. They and their persons were affected, not effected, thereby.

I will refrain from further comment in order to not fill your blog with walls of text unseemly.

I think you will find this unpublished work of great interest and utility in your considerations of political and economic structures more or less appropriate to humanity. It delves into the earliest history of civilization and the formation of capital structures that predate more recent evolutions. By this means a greater understanding of the basic influences and products of the variety of political and economic structures that produce more or less felicity of populations and their overlords can be better grasped.


Edit: I cannot help but reaffirm my earlier assessment of the point of this work.

"One may conceive of a professional man who opposes the immigration of Jewish refugees on the ground that this will increase the competition with which he has to deal and so decrease his income.
However undemocratic this may be, it is at least rational in a limited sense.
But for this man to go on, as do most people who oppose Jews on occupational grounds, and accept a wide variety of opinions, many of which are contradictory, about Jews in general, and to attribute various ills of the world to them, is plainly illogical.
And it is just as illogical to praise all Jews in accordance with a “good” stereotype of them."

This is a product of Jews to advance the power and position of Jews over goyim.