The Remedy To End Covid-19 Pandemic Is Here, Many People Are Dying Due To Ignorance.

in Pandemic Forum5 years ago (edited)

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>>> Never Underrate The Information Here, It Can Save You Or Your Loved Ones During This Perilous Time. <<<

** These words kill faster than all bacteria & viruses combined:

Avoid fear, avoid chaos, stay calm, avoid negativity, be positive always.

** I think that there are 2 suspected causes of the Pandemic (actually nobody is 100% sure about the cause yet, but investigations are still ongoing at this time).

1) The Eating Lifestyle Of People In Asia, in particular China.
We've already heard in the news that the virus started spreading from the city of Wuhan, in China.
Chinese people were eating animals raw, uncooked, not roasted, not cleaned, the intestines not removed (which contains the body hairs, blood, poo & urine).
Eating different kinds of animals raw, animals such as: Birds, Rodents, Reptiles, Frogs, Worms, Dogs, Pangolins, etc. Most times they eat them live. This is very real, I actually watched such videos online.

I saw a video where a Chinese man was putting live rats into his mouth and chewing, I mean he ate the rats including the body hairs, blood, poo & urine in the rat's intestine. In another video, a Chinese woman was seen eating live (moving) worms.
In another video, a woman was eating a snake raw, another woman eating a bird raw without removing the hairs & intestine (which contains the blood, poo & urine).
That is a very bad & unhygienic habit of people in China.
Another country that could add to the problem is Korea. Koreans have a culture of eating Octopus alive. Though I'm aware that Korea does not have a high number of coronavirus infections, so the main problem is from China.
Do You Want To See Some Of The Very Crazy & Disgusting Videos? Check The Bottom Of This Article.

2) A Biological Weapon, Created In a Laboratory By Some Evil Men/Organization with the aim to depopulate the world.
Because human beings just like to do extremely crazy things. They produce nuclear & biological weapons. Always planning for war.
It's Easy To Destroy But Very Difficult To Make Corrections.

For now, No one knows the evil men/organization that created a Bioweapon. Maybe they don't even exist.
Or maybe it's just the crazy, stupid, dirty & unhealthy lifestyle of the Chinese people. It's highly impossible for human beings to live like wild animals.

If we decide to apply logic based on what we know, clearly from videos seen online, then I can say that the 99% probable cause is the number 1.
I don't know any better word to use here than to just call it "INSANITY".


Now, "The Quick Remedy That Infected People Need Right Now Is Not Produced In A Medical Laboratory".
I will give my reasons below.

The whole world right now needs a quick & urgent cure, there is so much panic right now.
Each day that passes without a remedy produced & given to patients yet, leads to increasing number of dead people.

Of course we all know that medical masks, sanitizers & other safety measures are very helpful to protect people from getting infected with the virus.
But once someone has become infected, the medical masks & sanitizers cannot cure/heal the person, because the virus has already entered that individual's body system.
At that critical stage, a quick effective remedy is needed, because masks & sanitizers cannot save a person that's already infected.

Read the 2 tweets: ~~~ embed:1243505503373791232 . twitter metadata:VmFsZXJpb0NhcHJhcm98fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vVmFsZXJpb0NhcHJhcm8vc3RhdHVzLzEyNDM1MDU1MDMzNzM3OTEyMzIgLnw= ~~~

Warning! Drugs cure but don't provide complete healing. Of course drugs will fight & kill the infection but drugs don't replenish the body's immune system.
It's only healthy natural products that replenish the immune system.
There have been cases where some patients who previously recovered from the disease tested positive again after some time. The whole world is so messed up right now.

Think about this for a minute. Medical experts have been working so hard to produce a vaccine.
After it's produced, it might takes weeks or months before it would get to infected people in some regions of the world.
It baffles me that everyone keeps asking for a medical solution without having any thought about any natural products.

That again adds more sense to my earlier claim that the QUICK REMEDY is not available from medical experts for now.

The Big Question Is: "Why Don't People Think About Other Alternative Solutions Apart From Drugs/Vaccine From Medical Experts?"

Fear and Ignorance are other problems of most infected people, that's causing a high rate of deaths from the virus. Most infected people don't know any survival procedures that can help them stay alive. I want state clearly at this point that the needed urgent REMEDY is natural products.

The only way to achieve quick healing is using some highly potent natural products obtained from plants. Plants = life.

People Of The World Should Heed To This Warning Now To Avoid Losing Thousands More People To The Virus.

Medical experts usually don't think along the area of plants. The world has gone so far away from plants & herbs.
Reduce eating of animals and Return back to mostly plants, to find life, health & longevity.



Many people are surprised how the virus began spreading from the animal markets at Wuhan city in China. It's ignorant people that are surprised. I'm not surprised at all.

It's very highly likely that the pandemic was started by people in China who were eating different species of animals alive (using logic makes so much sense).
Most human beings eat too much of animals and less of healthy plants.

Isn't it extreme stupidity for people to give priority to eating animals (reptiles, birds, rodents, frogs, worms, dogs, pangolins, etc) against the eating of plants?
Even the worst case now is people eating them raw, including the intestines, most times alive? Is that not Insanity?

Does anyone ever wonder why there are so many life threatening diseases/ailments in the world today, such as diabetes, obesity, tuberculosis, asthma, different types of cancer, diseases of the heart, lungs, kidney & liver ?
It's simply because most human beings have gone against Natural Plants & Organic Foods.

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It's so unfortunate that most human beings now have a very weak immune system. Even a little insect bite will make some people fall ill.

The food & drinks manufacturing companies also make the situation worse, the quest for huge profits has led them to packaging junks that contain "artificial preservatives" which weaken human immune system.
Most people are using their money to buy food & drinks that gradually breaks down their body's immune system, buying & consuming things that reduces their lifespan.

The best foods & drinks for you to have a strong immune system are organic foods & drinks.
Inorganic foods & drinks does the opposite for you.

>>> Undeniable Fact:
People Who Have Strong Immune System Have A Higher Chance Of Recovering From Covid-19 Than People Who Have Very Weak Immunity. <<<

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I want to remind you of a popular statement from doctors:

"Let Your Food Be Your Medicine And Let Your Medicine Be Your Food".

I wonder if people ever understand the meaning of that statement? Anyone Who Goes Away From Plants (Organic Foods & Drinks), Will Attract Diseases And a Short Lifespan.

People should stop eating animals alive (whether wild or domestic). It's highly impossible for human beings to live like wild animals.
During animal food processing (removal of the intestines, washing clean, roasting the skin to burn off the hairs, cooking, etc), the primary purpose is to kill off the microorganisms (viruses, bacteria) which cannot be seen with ordinary eyes.
Scientists & Medical professionals usually use special devices to look at the microorganisms.

The ULTIMATE REMEDY is not just one plant, It's a combination of some healthy natural plants in specific procedures.

We already know about the common symptoms of the virus: Dry Cough, Sneezing, Fever, Sour throat, Difficulty in breathing due to infection of the lungs.

NOTE: Ventilators alone cannot save infected people.
If an infected person already has the virus in the lungs, the ventilator cannot kill the virus in the lungs.
Ventilators only aid breathing. It only supports the patient to breathe and stay alive for a limited time.
A remedy is still needed, either natural (plants/herbs) or medical (drugs).



(1) It's A Known Fact That Microorganisms Cannot Live Under High Temperature.
I'm not referring to the sun here, because if someone already has the infection inside the body, how will the sun kill the microorganisms?
How do you control with high temperature? 2 ways:

(1 a) Boiling some highly potent healthy plants in water and drink hot.
These plants: Lemon/Lime Juice (squeeze), Garlic cloves, Onion slices, Ginger slices, Tulsi plant.
Check google for the health benefits of each of them: Lemon/Lime, Garlic, Tulsi plant, Ginger and Onions.

Also read this:

Those plants cleanse the body of germs, bacteria and viruses. They naturally help to remove toxic substances from the body. So, combining them with hot water will help to kill the virus.
Boiling will extract the needed juices of the plants into the water.
The drink should not be taken at the boiling temperature though, allow it to cool a little but should not cool down completely.
But people usually drink hot tea/coffee. So try to drink at a temperature that is bearable, just the way you drink tea/coffee.

This should not be done only once, you want to make sure you cure the illness completely. I suggest you do this about twice daily, and for about 7 days.
It's an ancient practice that naturally cures cough, nasal congestion, throat infections and respiratory problems.

(1 b) This is another ancient practice, called "Steam Therapy".
Get the materials below in a Pot of Water and Boil:

Orange fruit peels (note: peels of "seeded" orange), Onion slices, Some quantities of these Essential Oils (Aloe-Vera, Bergamot oil, Cedar leaf oil & Eucalyptus oil) and a Small quantity of "sea salt".

Check online for their health benefits, they are all antimicrobial products. When you heat them to steam & inhale, they kill microorganisms in the respiratory tract. Also, it's not compulsory to use all the 4 essential oils listed, one or two is good enough.

Now, you need to inhale the steam. Get a thick cloth e g towel, place your head above the hot water, cover yourself with the cloth and inhale the steam.
The steam will go through your nose to the sinus area, the throat and to the lungs, it will kill the disease pathogens there.
Do this many times OR as convenient as as possible for you.

NOTE: Don't drink this preparation.
Some of the materials used here are not good for consumption. Preparation (1 a) is the one that's safe for drinking.


(2) Highly Important, A Powerful Secret For Achieving Optimum Health & Wellness, Which Most People Don't Know:
"Fruits & Vegetables Fasting Is Recommended".

I mean that the infected people should embark on eating "ONLY" fruits and vegetables for at least 7 days.
They should avoid junk, unhealthy & inorganic foods and drinks.
Junk foods & drinks are not needed in an infected person's body, they cannot save your life, so take a break.
Fasting is a way of cure. Fasting helps the body to be able to easily overcome chronic diseases in a short period of time.

We already have many varieties of healthy fruits and vegetables that will make the fasting enjoyable. That's a very good way to boost the body's immunity to enable it fight off severe infections effectively.

Fresh vegetables are very potent for fighting infections and removing toxic materials from the body. Vegetables massively boost the body's immune system. If your immune system is strong, viruses cannot break it down.
Some examples are: Cabbage, Broccoli, Spinach, Lettuce, Carrots, Cucumber, Garden eggs .

Procedure to get the best from vegetables:
Cut "fresh" leaves of vegetables such as: spinach, lettuce, broccoli, etc. Put them into a blender, add some drinking water, and blend until it forms a smooth juice. Drink the juice at least once everyday.
You will begin to feel a huge amount of energy & vitality inside your body.
The preparation strengthens the delicate internal organs such as: heart, lungs, kidneys & liver.
This daily natural therapy alone will effectively prevent covid19 virus from entering your lungs or heart.

Fruits: Pawpaw(Papaya), Pineapple, Avocado, Oranges(citrus fruits), Bananas, Apples, Strawberries, Mangoes, Guava, Watermelon .

You should see your body like a machine or a vehicle, which requires a regular maintenance servicing to achieve optimum health/performance.
That's the job that fresh fruits & vegetables do for the body.

A Very Crucial Warning:
Drinking of alcohol and smoking cigarette are extremely dangerous to an infected person.
If anyone has a severe infection of the respiratory system (covid-19) and still drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, it's just like you're adding gasoline to a wildfire. You'll allow the disease to destroy your lungs faster.
You must stop both habits immediately and fall in love with fruits & vegetables.


(3) A Very Powerful Remedy Is HONEY. Yes, Pure "Natural" Honey (from wild bees that are reared in a forest farm). Drink raw, undiluted.
It's a well known fact that Honey is a powerful antibacterial & antivirus natural product. Natural Honey kills bacteria and viruses.
Honey is the only natural substance that has the essential vitamins & minerals, that boosts the body's immune system, all combined in it.
It cleanses and removes toxic substances from the delicate organs of the body i e, the heart, lungs, kidney, liver, etc.
Honey purifies & vitalizes the delicate internal organs. It provides relief from food poisoning even without using any drugs from the hospital.
Honey can save someone who got exposed to a nerve agent. Honey is natures gift to human beings for maintaining & supporting health & wellness.

A lot of the honey available at grocery stores are not from wild bees, the bees are most probably reared in a confined building/garage and fed with sugar water, the honey gotten from that is not powerful, cannot cure infections.
Your governments & agricultural companies need to start "wild bee farming" on a large scale, for the production of natural honey in abundance.

The Best Ways To Consume Honey To Get Effective Relief:

- It should be fully mature (not watery, it should be thick & viscous), watery honey may not provide effective relief.

- It should also not be diluted/mixed with water or any other drink.
Also, do not boil/heat honey, high temperature spoils honey.
Infected people should drink honey, raw, undiluted, many times daily, for many days.

- Each time that the patient drank honey, you should not eat any food nor take any drink for at least 2 hours, don't flush it down with useless foods/drinks, let it stay long in your throat.

- In fact, honey "Works Best" when taken last thing at night when going to bed. First drink sufficient water you need to stay hydrated throughout the night, before you drink honey.
When you drink honey last thing at night and sleep, it performs healing wonders inside your body while you're sleeping.

Honey is good & safe for everyone, young & old, also good for pregnant women. It supports longevity.

NOTE that I've been stressing the words: "Natural Honey". It's NOT the type that are reared in a confined building/garage and fed with sugar water. It's honey that is produced by wild bees that are reared in a forest farm.
Scientists should not alter the natural production (avoid artificial process), or else the healing power may be lost.


(4 a) High Dosage Of Vitamin-C To Be Taken For A Minimum Of 7 Days. Vitamin-C helps to boost the body's immune/defense system, so it can effectively fight off infections.

Most times, when people fall ill, the natural vitamin-C you get from fruits is not sufficient to quickly strengthen your body's immune system, that's why the synthetic type is very good.

I already said earlier that most human beings don't eat plenty of fruits regularly (most people are addicted to eating only animal based foods), so when there is emergency need for vitamin-C, the synthetic type is recommended.

(4 b) ZINC Dietary Supplement.
Zinc is a vital mineral (a trace element) that is necessary for a healthy immune system. A lack of zinc can make a person more susceptible to disease and illness. In fact, zinc is the second-most-abundant trace mineral in your body after iron.
Zinc is necessary for the activity of over 300 different enzymes that aid in metabolism, digestion, nerve function and many other processes.
The element is naturally found in many different foods already, but it is also available as a dietary supplement.
But synthetic zinc should not be taken in excess though. The safe dosage should not be more than 20mg daily.
The body only needs small amounts, and yet it is necessary to stimulate the activity of most enzymes in the body.

(4 c) For patients who have fever &/or headache, all you need is Paracetamol.
Paracetamol is sufficient for fever.
500mg tablets for adults ;
250mg/5ml or 125mg/5ml syrup for children according to their age.

Take the recommended medical dosage according to your age, 3 times daily for 5 days.
Follow the dosage instruction inside the pack.
You must take the dosage according to your age.


Everyone must understand the truth that ALL synthetic drugs have side effects on the body system, which can be mild or severe, depending on the patient's immunity or age.

I have a strong believe that those side effects will be minimized when you take zinc dietary supplement and a high quantity of vitamin-C throughout the duration of any medications.

I also recommended in my 2nd therapy: fasting for a minimum of 7 days by totally avoiding junk, unhealthy foods & drinks, and consuming only fresh fruits, vegetables and HERBS.
This therapy alone will boost up your immune system, giving you a massive amount of strength & vitality.

-- That's the end of my 4 key natural therapy that will cure infected people and can ultimately end the pandemic --


I'm guessing that most people don't know any of the D.I.Y (Do It Yourself) survival therapies above.
The brains of many people have been conditioned to think that the solution to all health issues can only be gotten from medical experts, so they have no D.I.Y survival skills using natural products around them. They are only waiting for drugs/vaccine from medical experts.

No matter the source of covid-19, whether it's from people who were eating raw, live, unclean animals (including their blood, urine & intestines) OR it's a bioweapon created by some evil men in a laboratory, whatever the cause, it's still a disease and all diseases of the body are curable using potent healthy natural products.

I'm saying these again:
Avoid fear, avoid chaos, don't panic, stay calm, avoid negativity, stay positive.


WARNING: Don't Depend On Medical Care Alone, The Procedures Above Can Also Save You During An Emergency. Especially during the lock down, most people are sick at home and waiting for doctors who already have too many patients to care for.

If anyone thinks that the therapies discussed here cannot work, I want to let you know that it has saved some people already.

I already know people who had some of the symptoms, they started doing the natural therapies as advised, after some days the symptoms disappeared.

** A woman was tested positive by medics and isolated, she was advised by strangers to do the natural therapies discussed here, while in isolation. After about 2 weeks, she was tested again and the result turned negative.

There are probably more people (that I'm not aware of) who also have some of the knowledge here, applied the procedures, and successfully overcame the covid19 symptoms after some days/weeks.

Some covid-19 positive people have recovered from the virus without being put on a ventilator.

In a time like this, that medical workers are overwhelmed with the high number of infected people, thousands of people dead already, some medical staffs also getting infected & dying, and medical supplies are limited/insufficient, it makes a lot of sense to apply the procedures above to help yourself.

>>>>> Some People Have Billions Of Dollars But Don't Have The Knowledge Here, A Poor Man Has Just Given It Out For Free. <<<<<

You have to help yourself while staying at home or in quarantine.
"You Should Know How To Help Yourself".
You'll also be helping your country to reduce the spread of the virus and eventually overcome it.
Let us defeat the virus together.

The therapies discussed here are so simple, they cannot harm anyone.

I Now Feel Happy & Spiritually Fulfilled That I've Done My Moral Duty To Help & Support Humanity.


I wish to seek for your financial support, because I'm a very poor man.
If any person/company/association have been saved or healed using the effective D.I.Y survival procedures above and wish to support me, I like to receive in Bitcoins. You can send BTC to my address: bc1qjjpxs202tcky485jc2ynk03lux8yysf4gea3vw .
my trustwallet 10 btc address.jpg

Apply The Effective Natural Therapies Above And Stop The Widespread "AVOIDABLE" Deaths Now.


>>> Kindly share this post on social media, especially twitter.
Let Influential people see it.
If they retweet it, we'll be able to save many more people. Thank you. <<<


The Extreme Stupidity and Insane Habit Of Eating Live Animals in Asian countries, particularly in China.

>>> WARNING: Viewer Discretion Advised. The videos are disgusting & irritating.

First login to your Facebook account to be able to watch them.

A Chinese man eating live rats:

Another, live rats:

A Chinese man eating a live Frog:

A Chinese woman eating many live animals:

Another Chinese woman eating many unknown live animals:

Animals Market in China:

Eating Bats, it looks cooked but includes the intestine:

Eating a snake (roasted dry but it's unhygienic):

Another Chinese woman eating a dead chicken raw, including the dirty hairs, etc:

Some Koreans are also insane, a Korean lady was eating a live Octopus here:

A crazy Korean culture, a belief that anyone who ate a live octopus will become powerful. They don't care if there's any health risks in it:

Fact: Raw, live, animals contain thousands/millions of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses). Most of them cannot be seen with your ordinary eyes.
Scientists & medical professionals usually use special devices (microscope, etc) to view them clearly.
Animals should always be processed before eaten. Remove the intestines, washed clean, roasted/cooked.