Origami Day Started with Money Envelope / ポチ袋から始まった折り紙デー

in Hive Diy2 months ago

Handmade Japanese money envelopes

At the end of 2024, my aunt (my mother’s sister) sent us a Christmas card along with some handmade Japanese money envelopes called Pochibukuro, made from origami paper. I used one for my daughter’s New Year’s gift and gave two others to the staff at my favorite organic shop, which stayed open over the holidays. I made a casual €5 gift 😉

How money is put in an envelope

In Germany, large amounts of money are typically presented in a card then in an envelopes, but smaller amounts, like tips or school payments, are usually given without any wrapping. For example, a €100 gift for a grandmother’s 90th birthday or a wedding congratulatory gift would be enclosed, but tips left in a hotel room or children’s school payments are given as-is. But I'm from a country of wrapping, Japan both for good and bad 😅

When I gave my daughter her New Year’s gift in my aunt's Pochibukuro, she was so amazed that she wanted to try making them herself. This led us to a fun crafting session where we made a variety of designs.

We found a few easy-to-follow instructions on a crafting website by Boutique-sha, a Japanese publisher of crafting books. While I preferred step-by-step guides, my digitally native daughter leaned toward video tutorials—an amusing reminder of our generation gap 😅 They are in Japanese but you figure out how to make it by seeing the visual tutorials.

As we folded paper, I reminisced about the days before the internet and smartphones, when my friends and I used to write letters to each other and fold them neatly before handing them over. Do kids still do that nowadays?

Another childhood memory came to mind: I loved origami so much that my mother enrolled me in the Japan Origami Association. Later in life, my mother also enjoyed making origami during her time in the hospital. My aunt recently sent me some of her creations as keepsakes. It seems that handy creativity runs in our family—my grandmother, my aunt, my mother, myself, and now my daughter all share a love for crafting.

When I was a child, my grandmother and mother always bought me plenty of craft supplies. Now, I try to do the same for my daughter. Today, I bought a set of heavenly gradient-colored origami paper that I had been eyeing for a while since it wasn't so cheap, €8 ... but absolutely worth it! Even regular Origami crane looks more modern.

Gradient origami paper for me and my daughter

Even a simple crane looks modern

My daughter’s creativity exploded as she made mysterious objects, including what seemed to be a unicorn! I couldn’t help but wonder if my grandmother and mother had similar feelings watching me as a child. While I can no longer ask them, I’m filled with gratitude for all the crafting opportunities they gave me.

My daughter’s creation… a unicorn?

We’ve decided to carefully store the Pochibukuro we’ve made in a box for future use. Why not try origami yourself sometime? Pochibukuro are both fun and practical ☺️

Wishing everyone a creative and joyful year ahead!

🎍 🗻 🎍


年末に叔母(母の姉)がクリスマスカードと共に折り紙のポチ袋を送ってくれました。年始に子供のお年玉にひとつ使って、大好きなオーガニックショップが年末年始も休まず開いていたので働いていた店員さん二人にもお年玉を渡してきました。私も受け取る方も気楽な5ユーロにしました 😉 日本でいう500円玉のような感じで好きなお金です。




作り方は手芸関連の書籍や実用書を出版しているブティック社のウェブサイトのものが見ながら作りやすかったです。デジタルネイティブな子供は動画の方がよいようで、ジェネレーションギャップを感じずにはいられませんでした 😅






子供は創造性が爆発して謎のオブジェを作っていました 😂 きっと祖母や母もこんな気持ちで私を眺めていたのかな。もう聞いてみることができないのが残念ですが、たくさん手芸をさせてくれたことに感謝するのでした。









えええ、めっちゃすごい。。さすが。さすが yadamaniart さん、さすが日本という感じ。私は角を合わせるとか時間かけってやってしまう方で、子供にうざがられています 😅 あと、ドイツの折り紙は日本のものより厚めで(ドイツだなあ・・・と思います)ちょっと折りにくいです。

 2 months ago  

SO CUTE! I didn't know what “Pochibukuro” was and now I'm in love, I really want to try to make one! Also, thank you so much for sharing your childhood memories, it was very tender and cute! I want to make many Pochibukuro for my friends, many of them are Aquarius sign and have a birthday in February (* ノ ω ノ)

Happy to read your comment! It's so easy to make a Pochibukuro and really practical once you get to know how to make it.

Are you a cosplayer!? It is one of the things I want to try this year. There is a big gothic festival in our city in May. I plan to make dresses for me and my daughter ☺️