Make a T Rex Dinosaur toy easily using origami paper

in Hive Diy5 days ago

Hi Hive DIY friends

Today I want to make an origami T Rex Dinosaur, the T Rex I made today looks more like a toy T Rex which makes it look cute and liked by children.

Hopefully friends can imitate this work so that it can be made for their younger siblings at home or their nephews at home, to make this T Rex we only need a sheet of origami paper.

Here is a tutorial on making a toy T Rex Dinosaur from a sheet of origami paper.

First fold the origami paper into a triangle shape, then unfold it again and now fold the origami paper once again into a triangle shape from the opposite direction.

Then unfold it again and now fold the corners inward, also fold the top and bottom corners inward as shown in the picture below.

Then turn the origami paper over and now fold the right side of the origami paper to the middle, then fold the left side of the origami paper to the middle as shown in the picture below.

After that fold the top down, then open the right side to the right side and open the left side to the left side as shown in the picture below.

Then fold the right side up again, and fold the left side up again as shown in the picture below.

Then fold the right side of the paper to the left, then fold the top right side down, then fold the left side up, then fold the bottom right side down again, do the same on the other side as shown in the picture below.

Then fold the top down, then fold the bottom up again as shown in the picture below.

After that, fold the middle to the right, then make the fold into an inward fold, then fold the middle to the left, then make the fold into an inward fold as shown in the picture below.

Then turn the paper over and fold the top down again, then fold the middle of the paper in half again as shown in the picture below.

Then fold the bottom up, then make the fold into an inward fold as shown in the picture below.

Then turn the paper over and now fold the top part to the front, then fold the folded part into an inward fold, also fold the ends inward so that the T Rex Dinosaur's head becomes more beautiful as in the picture below.

Then fold the right and left legs forward again, also make the folds into inward folds so that the T Rex Dinosaur's legs become better.

After all the folds are complete, the T Rex Dinosaur that looks like a toy is perfectly finished and looks very beautiful.

I myself really like seeing this T Rex Dinosaur, hopefully children also like this T Rex Dinosaur, when I see crafts made from origami paper, I really like the results.

This is the T Rex Dinosaur origami that I can share with my friends today, thank you for visiting my craft post today.