Antiseptic liquid production.... steps towards protection.

in Hive Diylast year (edited)

Good day to you all on hive. Happy new week.

Today I want to share with you all the process of making antiseptic liquids. I carried out these production with a few materials and trust me, it came out beautifully.

With the prevalent increase of sicknesses and diseases, it is imperative that we all take measures in protecting ourselves. Antiseptic liquids can be used when bathing, washing your clothes, mopping the floors and even when cleaning household furnitures. This can help reduce the growth and spread of germs.

I personally add a few drops of this antiseptic liquid into my bathing water before I bath and so far no skin infections for me and my family.

Now the materials needed for the production are;

  • Small bucket.
  • Wooden spatula.
  • Small containers of your choice.
  • Rubber gloves and nose mask.

The ingredients are;

  • Isopropyl alcohol (IPA).
  • Pile oil.
  • Chroxonol.
  • Texapon.
  • Colour (brown, water base).
  • Distilled water.

All these chemicals can be bought from a chemical shop.

The ingredients


Step 1:

First I mixed texapon and the isopropyl alcohol in the bucket and stirred it with a wooden spatula, until the texapon dissolved in the alcohol.

Step 2:

Next I added the chroxonol into the mixture and stirred properly until it also dissolved in the mixture. Chroxonol looks like sugar grains and should dissolve for our production to come out lovely.

Be careful while stirring the mixture, avoid inhaling it, hence you need to put your nose mask on at all time during the production.


Step 3:

Now, I added the pile oil into the mixture and I stirred it for about ten minutes.

Step 4:

Next I added the distilled water into the mixture. You need to be mindful of the water you add, because the same quantity of mixture is the same quantity of water to be added. Do not add excess water.

Step 5:

Then I went ahead to mix the colour in a separate bowl with little water and stirred it properly or until it dissolves. Once the colour is dissolved, I began to add in little quantities into the bucket of mixture. I did this gradually while also monitored the colour I wanted using a transparent container.

You can stop adding the colour when you get your desired outcome. For me, I wanted a not so dark brown colour, you can choose your preference.

Note that the more pile oil you add into the mixture, the more active it becomes because pile oil is the activator.

This is how mine looked like in the bucket.

The following pictures are of the final outcome of my antiseptic liquid production. I chose to package them to look more attractive to my customers. It is up to you to do what you want in terms of packaging.





The antiseptic liquid came out very nice and my customers appreciated it. I will also like you to try it out. Hey @beckyroyal and @rukkie you need to try this too.

Thank you for reading.

All images are mine.


Very useful! Thank you for sharing!

You are welcome always

I also have my bath with a drop of antiseptic liquid. This is so nice and useful.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us

Thanks so much