Good afternoon to all the members of this beautiful HIVE Diy community, today I want to share with all of you some decorated bottles for the centerpiece, and I will show you the step by step of how I made it
- 2 botellas recicladas
- papel kraft
- cartulina
- Lápiz
- tijera
- silicón
- hilo de pabílo
- 2 recycled bottles
- Kraft paper
- cardboard
- Pencil
- scissor
- silicone
- pabílo thread
Pasos a seguir
steps to follow
Pasó 1
Primeramente iniciamos agarrando varias tiras del hilo de pabílo y la enrrollamos para pegarlo en las botellas
Step 1
First we start by grabbing several strips of the pabílo thread and we roll it to stick it on the bottles
Páso 2
Luego procedimos a recortar un trozo de cartulina y papel kraft para realizar las flores
Step 2
Then we proceeded to cut out a piece of cardboard and kraft paper to make the flowers
Pasó 3
Marcamos unas hojitas y las recortamos
Step 3
We mark some leaves and cut them
Pasó 4
Y por ultimo pegamos las flores y las hojitas
Step 4
And finally we glue the flowers and leaves
Aquí les muestro como quedó mi trabajo, espero sea de su agradó, saludos y bendiciones
Here I show you how my work was, I hope you like it, greetings and blessings