Zarcillos de polygel hecho a 🤚/Polygel tendrils made to 🤚

in Hive Diy7 months ago


Hola comunidad hive diy
Hoy quiero mostrarle como hice unos zarcillos de polygel, muy fácil.

Pincel para polygel
Molde de uñas acrilicas
Lámpara uv
Ganchos para zarcillos
Finish gel o top coat
Y aplicaciones de uñas (alternativo)

Hello hive diy community
Today I want to show you how I made some polygel tendrils, very easy.

Polygel brush
Nail file
Acrylic nail mold
UV lamp
Hooks for tendrils
Finish gel or top coat
And nail applications (alternative)

Comencé realizando la base con los moldes de uñas acrílicas y luego rellene con el polygel, luego se meten a curar rápidamente en la lámpara por un minuto

I started by making the base with the acrylic nail molds and then filled with the polygel, then put them to cure quickly in the lamp for a minute.

Luego colocas los palitos de zarcillos (puedes usar unos de algunos zarcillos que ya no uses) y mantienes un poco presionado mientras seca.

Then you place the tendril sticks (you can use some tendrils you don't use anymore) and keep a little pressure while it dries.

Luego vas a limar las orillas de los zarcillos para darle mejor forma, seguidamente le quitas el exceso de polvo y vas a colocar el top coat para darle brillo.

Y listo así tienes unos hermosos zarcillos, yo hice dos pares.

Then you are going to file the edges of the tendrils to give it a better shape, then you remove the excess powder and you are going to apply the top coat to give it shine.

And that's it, you have beautiful tendrils, I made two pairs.

*Todas las Imagenes son de mi album personal, tomadas con mi teléfono Honor.
*El Texto es completamente genuino, de mi autoría.
*El Texto es traducido con deepl
*Algunas Imagenes Editadas en canva.

*All images are from my personal album, taken with my personal phone Honor
*The Text is completely genuine, of my authorship.
*The Text is translated with deepl
*Some Images Edited in canva


I've made earrings and necklaces once before, in high school. I did not get to make them from scratch. All I needed were already designed beads, the hook, and all the rest. I'm wowed that you took the time to do it all from the very beginning. It's amazing. I might give this a try.
By the way, the green one looks ravishing on your skin😊

Sensacional trabajo, los colores verdes lo hacen muy llamativo, quedaron geniales.

Sensational work, the green colors make it very striking, they were great.

Escrito por lionsaturbix / Written by lionsaturbix

¡¡¡Buen trabajo!!! Gracias por publicar tu excelente contenido en Hive Diy.

Great job!!! Thanks for posting your excellent content on Hive Diy.

Gracias a ustedes por apoyar mi trabajo!

¡Me encanta!🥰☺️ ¿Se podrá hacer anillos con esta técnica?

Saludos ✌🏼