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RE: DIY Bulb Repair

in Hive Diy4 months ago

So this was a fog lamp right?
The lights that are auxiliary, and towards the bottom of the front-end?
Otherwise you usually change lights through the top of the car.
I've found that never touching the lamp with your fingers is a good idea too because when I used to change them I'd notice the ones I changed would burn out faster.
Probably because of the oil from hand causing the glass to heat more/higher, but I could be wrong idk.


Yeah it was daytime lamps but I would also call them fog lamps.

I learned the hand thing the hard way! I didn't have a glove with me so I used my shirt and didn't touch the glass. Hopefully it minimized the chance of oils on it!

My parents used to have this big fancy TV over a decade(or two) ago that had like a pyramid shape in the back.
It was DLP Digital Light Projection design that was the next big thing for like 2 years.
The bulbs would burn out and my mother replaced them, and then they'd keep burning out.
That was how I realized touching the bulbs in just about anything will be a prolbme.

Oh man yeah that makes sense! I do remember those DLP TV's, as that was roughly the time I was looking for a TV.

Do you skate, or still skate?
I may have asked you this before, but I can't recall.

I used to for about 14 years! Eventually I slowed down and then had a kid and a career so I had to stop so I didn’t get hurt and cause financial issues.

I still try to from time to time.
It's not easy when you stop, and yeah there's definite risk of injury.
I was never big on slides or grinds, but I did like clearing stairs and gaps.
I couldn't imagine ollie'ing a 6 set now, but I do TRY to clear some minor gaps still.
I def try not to get hurt, but I like the exercise you get from skating. I think it's a unique way to work the back muscles.
Speaking of which,
My cousin a few years back (3 kids, and he's a pastor of a large church) was on vacation in Deep-Creek Lake, and for some reason ended up back on a skateboard. He broke his Pelvis.
He was probably about 40 at the time.