I think you did a good job of it. Copper and aluminium are not the easiest metals to saw, did they give you beeswax to lubricate the saw?
Glad you realised that the safety stuff was there for a reason, I worked in a factory once and you simply have to wear ear muffs or you'll go deaf really fast.
I really like the look you got at the end, the kind of rough look, it gives it a lot of character.
They didn't, we just went straight in. Wouldn't the lubricant make the saw more slippery coz I struggled a little at the beginning to saw a grove
Once I put in the ear muffs it was actually very soothing like your within an environment but not there. But it was awfully hot being wrapped in googles and ear muffs and gloves and long sleeves, I was sweating down the back of my neck!!