Buen día ❤️una mini piñata del lindo elmo come galletas una figura de la televisión qué muchos amamos y aún queremos
Good morning ❤️a mini piñata of the cute Elmo eating cookies, a television figure that many of us love and still want
Les cuento primeramente para poder darme a entender, qué yo tengo 3 piñatas de modelos qué siempre armó y desarmó para poder practicar y hacer nuevos modelos de muestras
Let me tell you first so that I can make myself understood, that I have 3 piñatas of models that I always assemble and disassemble to be able to practice and make new sample models.
Para darle forma a este come galletas solo utilicé
To shape this cookie cutter I only used
- papel crepe azul y negro
blue and black crepe paper
- Foami blanco y negro
Black and white foami
- Lo común forre la cajita con papel crepe azúl por delante y sus laterales
It is common to cover the box with blue crepe paper on the front and sides
- Con el foami blanco y negro le hice sus ojitos y para boquita recorte un trozo de hoja blanca y se la pegué con esa hoja blanca ,le empecé a colocar papel crepe crepe negro
With the black and white foam I made his little eyes and for his mouth I cut out a piece of white paper and glued it to him with that white paper, I started placing black crepe paper on him
- Con foami marrón clarito y marrón oscuro le hice las galletitas
With light brown and dark brown foam I made the cookies.
- Y asi quedó mi elmo come galletas
And this is how my cookie-eating Elmo turned out.
Photos taken by my Infinix Smart 9
Aplicaciones utilizadas Gifs Marker
Applications used Gifs Marker
Instagram Freijspace2 ❤️