Hello my friends. Tonight I want to share with you a moment of creativity making some very simple bows quickly for my little ones. When you are a mother, you always seek to have details with your children created by your own hands, whether it is a delicious dish, dessert, if you know how to sew some clothes and if you like crafts, you will certainly apply it to something for them.

Me gusta crear con materiales que tenga en casa para reciclar, esto permite ahorrar a mi bolsillo y explotar al máximo mi imaginación a través de los materiales que utilice y estos lacitos no fueron la excepción.
I like to create with materials that I have at home to recycle, this allows me to save my pocket and make the most of my imagination through the materials I use and these little bows were no exception.

Materiales | Materials | |
Retazo de tela de seda rosada | Scrap of pink silk fabric | |
2 perlas | 2 pearls | |
Perla corrida dorada | golden cumshot pearl | |
Un poco de encaje | a bit of lace | |
2 ganchos de lazo | 2 loop hooks | |
Hilo y aguja | needle and thread | |
Silicon | silicone | |
Encendedor | lighter |

Paso a paso / Step by Step:
1- Lo primero es cortar una tira del retazo de tela rosada doblar a la mitad, al final donde se encuentran ambas caras de tela hacer unas puntadas con aguja e hilo que luego jalaras y la tela se encogerá dando la forma de tu flor (la medida es en base a tu gusto, la cantidad de tela que tengas y la medida delos ganchos a usar)
1- The first thing is to cut a strip of the piece of pink fabric, fold it in half, at the end where both sides of the fabric meet, make some stitches with a needle and thread that you will then pull and the fabric will shrink giving the shape of your flower (the measurement is based on your taste, the amount of fabric you have and the size of the hooks to use)

2- Coloca en todo el centro de tu flor un punto de silicón caliente y pega la perla blanca. Ahora bien, con la perla corrida dorada haz un dobles a la mitad y enrosca entre ellas mismas en la punta ( 1 a cada lado de cada uno de tus lazos) fija bien con silicón.
2- Place a dot of hot silicone around the center of your flower and stick the white pearl. Now, with the golden running pearl make a double in the middle and screw between them at the tip (1 on each side of each of your loops) fix well with silicone.

3- Haz una circunferencia para tapar los detalles de la parte trasera de tu lazo y con ayuda de un encendedor quemas las puntas. Con silicón pega tal como se aprecia en la fotografía.
3- Make a circle to cover the details of the back of your bow and with the help of a lighter you burn the ends. With silicone paste as seen in the photograph.

4-Lo siguientes es forrar nuestro gancho con un poco de encaje, pegando con silicón.
4-The following is to cover our hook with a bit of lace, sticking with silicone.

5- Fija con silicón tu flor al gancho. Recorta un rectángulo de tela rosada quema las puntas con el encendedor. Abre el gancho y entre este y el lazo por la parte trasera fija mejor tu lazo, entre este rectángulo de tela y el silicón y ¡listo!.
5- Fix your flower to the hook with silicone. Cut out a rectangle of pink fabric and burn the ends with the lighter. Open the hook and between it and the loop on the back, fix your loop better, between this rectangle of fabric and the silicone and ¡that's it!

¿Qué te parece este par de lazos medianos?
¿What do you think of this pair of medium bows?

¿Qué te ha parecido? A mis niñas les gustaron muchísimo. Estas flores puedes también colocarlas en colas elásticas de no tener gancho de lazo, peinetas o en algún cintillo y muy especialmente trabajando con las telas que tengas en casa.
¿What do you think? My girls liked them very much. You can also place these flowers in elastic tails if you don't have a hook, combs or in a headband and especially working with the fabrics you have at home.
Espero que este contenido haya sido de tu agrado y te sea útil. Gracias por leer este post un rato/ I hope this content has been to your liking and is useful to you. Thanks for reading this post for a while.

Las fotografías son de mi autoría tomadas con mi celular Alcatel Tetra/ photographs are my own, taken with my Alcatel Tetra cell phone.

These bows are really cute. I'm not crafty, but I have daughters (all grown now) so I am well trained to pay attention to beautiful things. lol
I'm sure that your children enjoy making things with you. Enjoy these days with them when they are small.