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RE: DIY: Wipes holder basket / Cesta porta pañitos (Esp/Eng)

in Hive Diylast year

What a great project, the basket is cute and adorable, I really like that you added a big button element on the outside to add an accent to the basket so it makes it even funnier.

One more thing, this basket reminds me of making a suitcase cover a few months ago. I've been doing this project for a very long time, and now don't have time to hold a sewing machine.
Guess I'll have to make this basket in the future.

 last year  

Hi, sweetie! I'm glad you also share with me this passion for baskets, you gave me ideas, that was great thank you very much. I too have very limited time, so when I do something I try to enjoy it twice as much. I think I will make some suitcase cover soon to see how they look like.

I'm glad to hear you want to work on a new project. I'm waiting for the results!