Muy buenas tardes tengan tod@s mis amig@s de hive, hoy les voy a mostrar nuestra intervencion en un evento que realizan los muchachos de un prestijioso instituto aqui en anaco, .
Como todos los años el instituto presenta sus trabajos , sobre todo la facultd de diseño grafico y nos invitaron con la condicion de que los ayudaramos a presentar un staff de acuerdo a su presentcion,...nos mostraron unas fotos de como mas o menos querian decorar el espacio.
Era como un poco engorroso pero como tenemos mucha creatividad en puerta nos pusimos en marcha.
Have a very good afternoon to all my hive friends, today I am going to show you our intervention in an event held by the boys of a prestigious institute here in Anaco, .
Like every year the institute presents its work, especially the graphic design faculty, and they invited us with the condition that we help them present a staff according to their presentation,...they showed us some photos of how they more or less wanted to decorate the space.
It was a bit cumbersome but since we have a lot of creativity at the door we got started
Tela de huesillo o de pancarta.
Pinturas al frio.
Brochas,y pinceles,.
Cartulina metalizada en azul y plateado.
Mobiliario para decorar.
Bone or banner fabric.
Cold paints.
Brushes and brushes.
Metallic cardstock in blue and silver.
Furniture to decorate.
Como mi casa es espaciosa y tiene garage, colocamos la tela en el piso, tiene 3mts x 5mts , como necesitamos hacer formas de manchones de pintura y comenzamos a agregarle agua a las pinturas y arrojarlas sobre la tela,
Since my house is spacious and has a garage, we place the fabric on the floor, it is 3m x 5m, as we need to make paint blob shapes and we begin to add water to the paints and throw them on the fabric,
ahora con mas aguas en la pintura derramamos sobre la tela para cubrir el espacio de abajo, luego la dejamos secar al son,.. en la tarde fuimos a montar el pequeño escenario..
Now with more water in the paint we poured it on the fabric to cover the space below, then we let it dry to the sound,... in the afternoon we went to set up the small stage.
en la tarde cuando llegamos nos dimos cuenta de que era un espcacio un poco grande y abierto habia mucha brisa,.. pero bueno asi continuamos , los muchachos estuvieron un poco preocupados habia mucha gente pasando d aqui para alla.... y todavia no colocabamos ni una caja.. bueno aseguramos el paraban para que no se lo llevara el viento ... colocamos el primer telon y guao! era lo que ellos querian originalida!
In the afternoon when we arrived we realized that it was a somewhat large and open space, there was a lot of breeze,... but well, we continued, the boys were a little worried, there were a lot of people passing from here to there... and we still hadn't placed a single box... well, we secured the stop so that it wouldn't be blown away by the wind... we placed the first telos and wow! It was what they wanted, original!
y comenzaron a colocar sus trabajos inmediatamente, habia de todo un poco cuadros, estatuillas, de animales, artesania muy bonita, buenos pusieron el encanto con tanta rapidez, en un dos x tres montaron su staff ,
and they began to place their work immediately, there was a little bit of everything, paintings, figurines, animals, very beautiful crafts, they put the charm on so quickly, in a two by three they set up their staff
les muestro estas piezas muy curiosas hechas con semillas de arbejas o lentejas.
I show you these very curious pieces made with pea or lentil seeds.
en fin todo quedo muy bonito , los muchachos cumplieron con su cometido y yo feliz de hacer aportado mi conocimiento
In short, everything was very nice, the boys fulfilled their task and I was happy to contribute my knowledge.
espero qu les guste tanto, como me gusto a mi haber participado.,
hope you like it as much as I liked having participated.
nos vemos en un proximo proyecto!
See you on a next project!
mis fotos fueron tomadas por mi telefon redmie 9A y editadas por inshop
my photos were taken by my redmie 9A phone and edited by insho