>Un dia lleno de buenos momentos dia de las madres/>A day full of good moments Mother's Day

in Hive Diy10 months ago


Muy buenos dias amig@s de hive , espero tod@ se encuentren bien bajo el manto del todopoderoso.
Hoy no les voy a mostrar ninguna elaboración., les voy a mostrar algunos de los trabajos que hicimos mi hijo y yo para este dia tan hermoso como lo fue el DIA DE LAS MADRES!
Good morning hive friends, I hope everyone is well under the mantle of the almighty.
Today I am not going to show you any elaboration, I am going to show you some of the work that my son and I did for this day as beautiful as MOTHER'S DAY!
Durante toda la semana anterior estuvimos preparando y haciendo todo lo que íbamos a promocionar en un emprendimiento que estamos desarrollando.

Mi hijo hace comidas muy buenas estuvo estudiando comida internacional en tiempos de pandemia y le ha ido muy bien hasta los momentos y decidimos unir mis manualidades y sus conocimientos de comidas.... y surgió EL GARAGE comidas , desayunos y meriendas.
During the entire previous week we were preparing and doing everything that we were going to promote in a venture that we are developing.
My son makes very good meals. He was studying international food in times of pandemic and it has been going very well so far and we decided to combine my crafts and his knowledge of food... and EL GARAGE came up with meals, breakfasts and snacks.
Luego de habernos organizado nos pusimos en acción promocionamos bandejas de "desayunos para mama", decoramos cajitas y quedaron muy elegantes colocamos un jugo natural, sándwiches, frutas dulces y cosas que le gustan a mama. ![InShot_20240512_192947982.jpg](

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.After having organized ourselves, we got into action, we promoted "breakfast for mom" trays, we decorated little boxes and they were very elegant, we placed a natural juice, sandwiches, sweet fruits and things that mom likes

Mi amiga la maestra me encargo que le decorara unos dulces para ella dárselos a su representantes y bueno no le pude decir que no es mi cliente favorita,...
My friend, the teacher, asked me to decorate some sweets for her to give to her representatives and well, I couldn't tell her that she is not my favorite client,...
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Una profesora llamada martha vio mi trabajo en las redes y me dijo que le hiciera un modelos de girasoles para darlos de recuerdos en su salón de clases...
A teacher named Martha saw my work online and told me to make her a model of sunflowers to give as souvenirs in her classroom...

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Nosotros por otra parte hicimos imanes de frutas , comidas y cositas asi para darlos de presentes a algunos de nuestros clientes
We, on the other hand, made magnets of fruits, foods and things like that to give as presents to some of our clients.


Con los sobrantes del papel bond hicimos unas delicadas bolsitas para regalos.
We, on the other hand, made magnets of fruits, foods and things like that to give as presents to some of our clients
Compramos zarcillitos y los montamos en unas bonitas caritas que conseguimos en la web
We bought tendrils and mounted them on some pretty little faces that we found on the web.
Bueno no pude tomarle fotos a las ventas pero si les digo que pasamos un dia muy movido, y divertido,compartiendo con tantas personas , y mirar las caras de asombros cuando llegabamos a las casas a hacer las entregas, ah! porque les cuento que tambien lo hicimos de delivery... todo nos que do muy bonito y los clientes muy satisfechos con nuestro trabajo, espero que esta sea el primero de muchos acontecimientos que están por venir, eso si todo con la bendición de Dios,!
Well, I couldn't take photos of the sales, but I can tell you that we had a very busy and fun day, sharing with so many people, and looking at the amazed faces when we arrived at the houses to make the deliveries, ah! Because I tell you that we also delivered... everything was very nice and the clients were very satisfied with our work, I hope this is the first of many events that are to come, all with God's blessing, !

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y por ultimo les muestro nuestro logos , no son gran cosa pro nos identifican,,,, esperando todo haya sido d su agrado,..nos vemos en un próximo evento..
and finally I show you our logos, they are not a big deal because they identify us,,,, hoping everything was to your liking,...see you at the next event...
