Happy start of the week friends, today I want to show you a nice reindeer made with recycled material very easy to make to decorate your home.

- Rollo de papel higiénico.
- Pinturas.
- Tijera.
- Lápiz.
- Cartulina marrón.
- Toilet paper roll.
- Paints.
- Scissors.
- Pencil.
- Brown cardboard.

Paso 1: comencé realizando lo que seria la figura de mi reno, luego lo recorte y le aplique en todo al rededor pintura blanca para darle un toque muy genial.
Step 1: I started by making what would be the figure of my reindeer, then I cut it out and applied white paint all around to give it a very cool touch.

Luego con pintura rojo hice la nariz del reno, luego recorte el rollo para hacer el cuerpo de mi reno, corte haciendo 4 patas y con pintura blanca las manchas del reno, luego hice la cola y la pegue para terminar este reno.
Then with red paint I made the nose of the reindeer, then I cut the roll to make the body of my reindeer, I cut 4 legs and with white paint the spots of the reindeer, then I made the tail and glued it to finish this reindeer.

This was the amazing result friends, make two cute reindeer ready to decorate, see you soon.

muy lindo tu trabajo