Yesterday, after some online browsing for the past weeks, I decided to purchase a circular saw and use it for the first time to build a small platform with wheels to move the power generator. I have been purchasing some tools to use for the Portugal properties renovation and wood tooling was still missing so I decided to go to the store and get a circular saw.
I had to set the saw disc in the machine measure the length I needed and use a long level as a guide fixing it to the wood board with two clamps. I adjusted the saw height to get it just slightly below the wood height and started cutting. It was a pretty easy job but will need some practice as the measure was slightly shorter than what I had measured. I decided to have a big margin just in case so there was no problem at all, but will need to practice some more to make sure I get the correct sizes when I do a new project.
I had a pack of 4 wheels to add but ended up having to go to the store as the screws I had were too big and they would have crossed all the wood and reached the other side.
After getting shorter ones, this is how the wheels ended up.
Finally, I loaded the power generator into the platform to feel how easy it was to move around.
It was a pretty easy job and only one cut with the saw but I could already feel how easy it is to use it, although you need to be careful with this tool. I plan to do a few things in Portugal once I go there again next month so testing it home first was a great decision.