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RE: On Beauty

in Philosophy4 years ago

The journey is not always a pleasure, but just as often shocking, upsetting, interesting or even boring. As an old-established couple, however, it is very pleasant to have a certain routine with each other, alternating with creative phases. Always being good for a surprise enlivens the relationship.

Well stated.

What you're saying reminds me of this,


Thank you. That was quite touching and sounds true to me....
"What is a wife?"
I think, I have to watch that movie now :)

I am off. Wish me good dreams.

Enjoy at your leisure.

DAMN! Thank you very much for sharing this! I'll be watching this tonight :D

I'm glad you both joined this convo :) @erh.germany @logiczombie


What a service, thank you! I am already half through the movie and now it's time for coziness and I'll continue. Nice leisure you give me :)