Genus Stachytarpheta

in Nature Observer10 months ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Genus Stachytarpheta14.April.2024 I Forest, District. Nisam Antara, North Aceh Regency, Aceh, Indonesia

I am here again to entertain all my friends in this community with several pictures of flowers of the Stachytarpheta genus that I captured with my cellphone camera. These flowers have extraordinary beauty, and I want to share this natural wonder with all of you.

The Stachytarpheta genus is a very interesting and beautiful group of plants. These flowers have striking colors and unique shapes, so they really attract the eye when we see them. Apart from that, flowers of the Stachytarpheta genus also have various benefits for the surrounding environment. Several types of flowers can be a source of food for insects and birds, thereby helping maintain ecosystem balance.

I am very happy to be able to share the beauty of the flowers of the Stachytarpheta genus with all of you. Through the images I capture, I hope to inspire all my friends to better appreciate the beauty of nature and protect the environment around us. We must care for and preserve these plants so that they can continue to thrive and provide benefits to life on this earth.

Camera usedSmartphone
LensCell phone camera
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyGenus Stachytarpheta
LocationAceh Indonesia