Helophilus pendulus

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Mesembrius bengalensisFebruary 24,2025Chittagong Division, Bangladesh

This is a flying insect and it can fly very beautifully in the sky. However, the house where this type of insect lives must be in the branches of a tree. It is a beautiful and attractive insect in the natural environment. The name of this insect is Helophilus pendulus. It is a very familiar insect to me and it is in my favorite list. This insect works more for others than for itself and this insect is engaged in the service of humans. Since I like it, I enjoy its beauty and take a few pictures in different shapes with my own mobile.

I like to enjoy the beauty of different types of insects and that day I also enjoyed the beauty of the beautiful insect discussed here. I try to observe any insect I see and I observed this insect too and through observation I saw that this insect has a combination of white, black and yellow colors in its body which made the insect look very beautiful. Moreover, there is a head on the front of the body of this insect and I saw a combination of white colors in the head which I liked to see very much. Moreover, this insect has some long-shaped spots which I saw on the upper part of the body. This insect has wings in its body with the help of which it can fly in the sky and move from one place to another. Especially this insect collects honey from the flowers of various plants. Anyway, I liked the beauty of the insect very much and I am sharing some of the pictures I took with my hive community friends.

Camera usedSmartphone
Iso speedISO 40
Focal length2.13 mm
PhotographyMesembrius bengalensis
LocationChittagong Division, Bangladesh
Link to originalcommunity

Excellent. You manage to get very clear shot of this one.