Genus Appias

in Nature Observerlast month
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Genus AppiasFebruary 09 2025Central Aceh Regency,Aceh, Indonesia

Hello friends all Good evening wherever you are hopefully always in good health

What's up with this time I will show some pictures which I found in one of my gardens

This picture is a white butterfly with a very beautiful color pattern, this butterfly I found when the book was up to the grass flowers which as we know butterflies often perch on flowers to suck the series on the flowers

I was also very attracted to the beauty of the color pattern of the book so I took some pictures of the butterfly to show to all my friends here

When I photographed this butterfly I had to be in motion If I was not careful in moving then the butterfly would fly to the other side so that it was very difficult to get it again

and here are some pictures of the butterflies that I have photographed

and those are some pictures from my post this time so that hopefully these butterflies can cheer up all my friends

and see you in my next post

Camera usedredmi note 13
Lens108 mp
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyGenus Appias
