Genus Trichonephila

in Nature Observerlast month
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Genus TrichonephilaJanuary 30 2025Central Aceh Regency,Aceh, Indonesia

Hello friends all in this beloved community in this post I will give some beautiful and interesting pictures
this post is a spider which this spider was found in the forest I went interesting photos when I walked found the spider and I took some pictures to be able to show my beloved friends in this community

this spider has several types some are reddish red and completely black I found this one is greenish black and some have poison and some do not have poison the spider that was still found I don't know whether it is poisonous or not because I don't dare to hold the spider

and here are some pictures from me

Camera usedredmi note 13
Lens108 mp
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyGenus Trichonephila