The blacksmith lapwing Vanellus armatus

in Nature Observer11 months ago
Latin nameObservation dateLocation
Vanellus armatus2.12.2021Kruger National Park, South Africa

My typical photo for iNaturalist. Taken from a distance and edited on the computer. Normally I would delete a photo like this or not take it at all, but it has time, GPS and the species can be clearly identified. So it's another usable sighting for the iNaturalist database.
That day I took lots of pictures of water birds on the bridge over the Luvuvha River and those sitting in the branches of the trees around. It was very hot though, I could barely stand it myself and my camera with the telephoto lens is black and might not hold up in the sun either.



The bird looks really beautiful, I like it

Photos you take from a distance of an animal in the water also look pretty good.

Like this, the camera results are very good because it is too far away when shooting

Thank you so much for sharing awesome