Carbula scutellata

in Nature Observerlast month

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Carbula scutellata20-01-2024North Acèh Regency, Acèh, Indonesia

Duan's Ladybug or (Carbula scutellata) is a type of predator that has an important role in regulating the dynamics of pest insect populations on plants and they can live in various consistencies, both in food crop, vegetable and plantation agroecosystems and they are also often found in the Indonesian agroecosystem.

This ladybug has a very beautiful and unique body shape. They have a wide body like a shield in the shape of a pentagon, the left and right sides look more unique because they have small spines to protect themselves and there are colored edges with white dots at the ends of the colored edges. and they also have medium antennae and their faces look very cute.

Okay hiver friends, that's a short story that I can share on this occasion. Hopefully hiver friends like it and this photo will be the most beautiful photo when you see it, I hope my post can entertain you all. Thank you very much for the support you provide. I hope you have a great day until we meet again in the next post.

The following is a display of the images that I have prepared

NOTE: I wrote it in Indonesian with the help of Google Translate into English.

Camera usedSmartphone
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyCarbula scutellata
LocationAceh Indonesia


Congratulations, you have received support from Ecency through curator @reachdreams

Thank you very much 👍

This moth looks very sweet in color. I like to see the insect.

Thank you very much