Tricholomopsis aurea

in Nature Observer9 hours ago

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Tricholomopsis aurea28-02-2025North Acèh Regency, Acèh, Indonesia

The mushroom group (Tricholomopsis aurea) is a fungal life that is often seen when it rains, they can grow and live in the gaps between moist leaves in the bushes of the forest. They also have a fairly long and smooth jelly that sticks to where they grow.

This mushroom has a body size that is not large compared to the image screen that I have prepared, but I took the picture using an additional lens so that the appearance of this mushroom looks bigger and you can also see, the umbrella part is quite beautiful. Because in the middle circle there is a white fiber that looks like snow.

Okay hiver friends, that's a short story that I can share on this occasion. Hopefully hiver friends like it and this photo becomes the most beautiful photo when you see it, hopefully my post can entertain you all. Thank you very much for the support that Andjanua has given. I hope you have a nice day until we meet again in the next post

*** Here is a display of the image that I have prepared ***

NOTE: I wrote it in Indonesian with the help of Google Translate into English.

Camera usedSmartphone
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyTricholomopsis aurea
LocationAceh Indonesia