Trametes cubensis


Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Trametes cubensis l 12.02.2025 I
Matang Panyang, District. Paya Bakong, North Aceh Regency, Aceh, Indonesia

Trametes cubensis is a very beautiful and very interesting mushroom that I have ever found before, but today I found the fungus in a different place and this began to grow on dry wood and this fungus is very hard and is very durable and mushrooms This is often found in the forests of the forest in the wood that dries and this mushroom is indeed in rural areas we still find a lot but this fungus is very beautiful and very charming when the eye is seen especially with the shape of the fungus or the mushroom eggs are very beautiful The striped and this cabinet grows in a packed manner and this mushroom group is very interesting, anyone who sees it will surely be interested in the appearance of the fungus some of the pictures that I have prepared a fungus that is so beautiful taken with various milk ranging from Jakarta so that it can be seen more beautiful and clearer in the picture is to enjoy all friends, hopefully you can change a little of friends with the mushroom images that I add here

Camera usedSmartphone
LensCell phone camera
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
LocationAceh Indonesia


Curator - GuestVoted through #Ecency.