Oriens paragola

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Oriens paragolaJanuary 28 2025Buket Alue Puteh, Aceh, Indonesia

Oriens paragola is a species of moth that belongs to the genus Oriens, a group of moths that have a quite significant ecological role in their natural habitat, even though this moth is not well known in general entomological studies, this moth is still part of the biodiversity interesting to discuss, especially about life and its role in the food chain as well as the ecological processes that occur in the surrounding environment, thus showing how important the existence of this species is.

as nocturnal insects, these moths are more active from dusk until night flying looking for food and other activities related to their life cycle, actually activity at night gives them an advantage in avoiding predator hunters such as birds and other insect hunters who tend to hunt more during the day, the ability of Oriens paragola to adapt to nightlife also leads to various strategies related to finding food, shelter and their way of interacting with the environment.

Oriens paragola moths are often involved in the pollination process of flowers in tropical areas, although most people are more familiar with butterflies and bees as true pollinators, but actually this moth also plays a big role in the pollination process in various flower plants and especially in certain types of flowers. bloom at night, I need to tell you that one of the species or characteristics of flowers that bloom at night is that they "have a strong aroma and striking colors" which are specially designed by nature to attract the attention of moths, that way This moth will help the pollination process by carrying pollen from one flower to another when Oriens paragola is looking for nectar.

However, like most other butterfly species, the role of these moths in the ecosystem is not only limited to pollinators but they are also part of the food chain, as prey for various predators such as birds, bats and other large insects, indirectly these moths have actually contributed on the survival of various species in an ecosystem, this is a simple example of how species in an ecosystem depend on each other.

Camera usedsmartphone
PhotographyOriens paragola
LocationBuket Alue Puteh


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