Genus Castalius

in Nature Observer3 months ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Genus Lantana13 Desember 2024Central Aceh Regency,Aceh, Indonesia

Hi friends wherever you are tonight I'm back with you here of course in our proud community.

in this post I want to show some very beautiful butterfly pictures.

When I saw this butterfly I was very happy. with such a perfect appearance.

this afternoon my friend and I went to my father's garden. to look for beautiful photos so that I can entertain you all with the photos I took.

when I arrived at the garden. I was relaxing with my friend in the garden. and while drinking coffee and smoking with my friend who I brought from my village.

suddenly this butterfly flew in front of us then I followed this butterfly to take a picture.

after a few meters this butterfly flew finally it stopped on the flowers in the garden.

then I immediately rushed to take some pictures of this butterfly so that this butterfly would not fly again.

after I took some pictures my friend and I immediately witnessed the beauty of this butterfly.

after we saw the beauty of this butterfly we also smiled because of the beauty of the color of this butterfly.

here are some pictures of butterflies that I managed to capture.

Okay friends, those are some pictures of butterflies that I managed to capture this afternoon in the garden. I hope you like and are entertained by the appearance of these butterflies. See you in the next post ❤️.

Camera usedponsel redmi 5
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyGenus Castalius