Luthrodes pandava

in Nature Observer4 months ago

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Luthrodes pandava31.10.2024 I Punteuet, District. Sawang, North Aceh Regency, Aceh, Indonesia

good evening everyone in this beloved community, I hope today is a pleasant day for all friends. On this occasion I would like to show several pictures of the butterfly known by the Latin name Luthrodes pandava. This butterfly is a very unique and very interesting butterfly with One of the most striking features of the Luthrodes pandava is its wings, which are a striking mix of red, black and white. The intricate patterns on the wings help to camouflage the butterfly. butterflies from predators, making them difficult to spot when perched on tree bark or among the leaves. This natural camouflage is important for the survival of the Luthrodes pandawa in the wild.

This butterfly usually often plays in tropical forests and wooded areas, where it feeds on flower nectar and tree sap. Like other butterflies, Luthrodes pandava undergoes a four-stage life cycle, starting from an egg, then hatching into a caterpillar, becoming a pupa, and finally emerges as a beautiful adult butterfly. This metamorphosis process is truly a natural miracle.
OK, friends, this is all my post today, I hope you like it.

Camera usedSmartphone
LensCell phone camera
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
LocationAceh Indonesia

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Wow it looks so beautiful